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三菱发电机组维保电话,锦州三菱发电机组,三菱发电机组维保电话,三菱发电机组厂家电话 |
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2024年三菱柴油发电机维修服务厂家 三菱发电机保养服务电话
三菱全系列柴油发电机组 大功率三菱发电机组 全国联保 鼎盛机械设备
1000KW三菱柴油发电机组 三菱发电机组配件
Matters needing attention in the assembly of Mitsubishi accessories Diesel generator
1. The equipment address of the Mitsubishi accessory motor set should be well ventilated, with satisfactory air inlet at the generator end and good air outlet at the diesel engine end. The area of the air outlet should be greater than 1.5 times the area of the water tank.
Mitsubishi accessories
2. The surrounding area of Mitsubishi accessory electric unit equipment should be kept clean, and items that can corrode gases and vapors such as acids and alkalis are strictly prohibited from being placed nearby. If conditions permit, rescue equipment should be equipped.
3. When using Mitsubishi accessory generator sets indoors, it is necessary to lead the exhaust pipe to the outdoors. The diameter of the exhaust pipe of the muffler and the elbow connecting the pipeline should not exceed three to ensure smooth smoke exhaust. The pipeline should be tilted down 5-10 degrees to avoid rainwater injection; If the exhaust pipe is straight up, a rain cover should be installed.
4. When concrete is used as the foundation, the levelness of the diesel generator set shall be measured with a level ruler when the equipment is used to fix the unit on a horizontal foundation. There shall be special shockproof pads or anchor bolts between the generator set and the foundation.
5. The generator casing should have reliable protective grounding. For generators with directly grounded neutral points, professional personnel should ground the neutral points and equip them with lightning protection devices. It is prohibited to use mains grounding equipment for direct neutral point grounding.
The bidirectional switch between the Mitsubishi accessory generator and the main power supply is very reliable to prevent reverse power transmission. The wiring reliability of the bidirectional switch needs to be checked and approved by the local power supply department.
Here are four main uses of diesel generator set.
1、 Self-contained power supply
Some power users have no network power supply, such as military camps, workstations, radar stations, etc. These places are far away from the mainland, remote pastoral areas, rural areas, and desert plateau, so they need to provide their own power supply. The so-called self provided power supply is self used power supply. In the case of low power generation, diesel generator sets are often a better choice for self provided power supply.
2、 Backup power supply
The backup power supply, also known as emergency power supply, is mainly used by some electricity consuming units, although they have relatively safe and reliable network power supply, to prevent unexpected situations such as circuit failures or temporary power outages, they still configure their own power supply for emergency power generation. It can be seen that the backup power supply is actually a self backup power supply, not used as the main power supply, but as a means of rescue in emergency situations.
3、 Alternative power supply
The role of standby power supply is to make up for the shortage of network power supply. There may be two situations. One is that the Electricity pricing of the grid is too high, and diesel generator sets are selected as the alternative power supply from the perspective of cost saving; Another type is when the power supply in the power grid is insufficient, the use of power in the grid is limited, and the power supply department has no choice but to switch and limit power everywhere. At this time, in order to ensure normal production and work, the power consumption unit needs to replace the power supply to alleviate the situation.
4、 Mobile power supply
Mobile power is a kind of power generation facility that has no fixed place of use but is used everywhere. The diesel generator set is a better choice for mobile power because of its portability, flexibility and ease of operation. Mobile power is generally designed for power vehicles, including self powered vehicles and trailer powered vehicles.
深圳三菱发电机组维修保养 深圳三菱发电机组维修 深圳三菱发电机组保养 三菱发电机组维修保养 三菱发电机组年度维护 三菱发电机组年度保养
主营行业:柴油发电机组 |
公司主营:发电机销售,发电机租赁,发电机售后,发电机回收--> |
采购产品:柴油发电机 |
主营地区:中国 |
企业类型:个体工商户 |
公司成立时间:2022-12-19 |
经营模式:生产型 |
经营范围:一般项目:机械设备销售:电子设备销售;机械设备租赁:机械电气设备销售:消防器材销售:安防设备销售:配电开关控制设备销售:通用设备修理;设备修理;发电机及发电机组销售:电力设施器材销售;普通机械设备安装服务;电工器材销售:发电技术服务:工业设计服务:润滑油销售:互联网销售(除销售需要许可的商品)。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动) |
公司邮编:523000 |